Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Days In Montevideo

I finally made it to Montevideo. I arrived Tuesday morning at 5:30am and proceeded to have the longest day of my life. Not in a bad way - it just felt like it never ended. After arriving I went to the house I'm living in and fell asleep for 2 hours. Then at 9am I went to school. I met the other person living in the house I'm in - a Swiss girl named Cecile.

After school, during which I barely was able to keep my eyes open, I went to the town center with Cecile.

We walked all around and I got a cell phone and a modem for Internet at home. (Cannot live w/o internet) We stopped for lunch at a diner-type place and of course the first thing I did was order a cappuccino. It was way bigger than in Italy

I also got an empanada for lunch - cheese and olives. It took about 15 minutes to make the 1 empanada but it was worth the wait. They have tons of empanada places here, so I'm in heaven. I promised myself that I will not eat an empanada tomorrow but we'll see about that.

Later on we had dinner at home. The woman we're living with, Maria, cooks breakfast and dinner for us. She sets the table and serves the food and water like it's a restaurant. The first night we had this great fish, carrots and onions dish:

After dinner we went down to Las Ramblas, the street that goes along the water. It was a gorgeous sunset and my camera kind of atoned for the shitty night photos it's been taking the past few months:

Here are some pics I took Wednesday in the house and on our roof terrace. The house has ridiculously high ceilings.

My room (note the omnipresent green bag):

The foyer:

Dining area where we take our meals:

Flowers on the roof terrace:

Pretty houses from the roof terrace. The architecture here is extremely unusual and beautiful and I'll have to go out one day to just take more pics of buildings. There are all these houses that open right onto the street. They look like apartment buildings but they are all actually private houses.


Dave said...

Yay I'm glad you made it there safely! It looks like the beauty of your surroundings, your friendly roommate and host, and your quick internet access have more than offset your difficulty getting there. But Kristin... why are you promising yourself no empanadas tomorrow??? You've got months in LatAm! Empanadas every day this week!

Anonymous said...

I also came here to post to urge you to eat as many empanadas as humanly possible.

I also love the aesthetic i'm seeing in Montevideo.. very much the kind of South American feel i adore. more photos! more!