Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tragic Sadness

I'm leaving Montevideo in 8 hours. My flight out to Peru is at 6am. So sad to leave my friends, especially Cecile, the friend you've seen a lot of in these pics, who, through the hand of destiny, was placed in the same host family as me at the last minute. We spent my last night here having dinner together at the house then going to the amusement park in our neighborhood. It's right on the water and we always wanted to go...glad we finally did.
I have had the great fortune in my life of experiencing tragic sadness every time I leave somewhere.

Pics of my last days:

One of my favorite things in Montevideo--eating $5 steak that tastes like $40 steak:

Montevideo food porn:

My last full night out in Montevideo I went out with my friends. At dinner:

Cecile and Patrick:

Cecile, amused at something:

Me and Jonathan:

Cecile and Ari (fellow NYer), who moved into my house during my second month here, after Cecile moved into the school residence:

After dinner we went to Tres Perros for drinks and some light dancing. Dahlia (another fellow NYer) and Mallory:


Me and Ari:

There was some serious palm reading going on, courtesy of Bernardo, our resident Brazilian ladies' man. I found out that I will have one true love in my life.

Las chicas:

Last day at school. My two awesome teachers, Juan and Virginia, who whipped my Spanish into shape:

Last night. Dinner by Maria, the greatest cook ever after my Mom.

Me Ari and Cecile in the magical house:

At the amusement park. On the pirate ship, we were the only people on the ride and we screamed like crazy women. All the Uruguayans on the ground were looking at us:

On a twisty thing that was really fun:

Cool pic of the twisty thing:

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